That is the decade when they said that helicopters were of the devil and that rockets would not work in space.
The Watchtower said that about helicopters? Where would I find that? Thanks for your help.
sure they have embraced the internet and electronic media etc.
by their science is so far off it's sad ...but understandable.. the wt published several articles in the past dealing with reletivity etc.
yes great....100 years old science today.. where are the quantum mechanic articles?
That is the decade when they said that helicopters were of the devil and that rockets would not work in space.
The Watchtower said that about helicopters? Where would I find that? Thanks for your help.
ok, im gonna try makin this as short as i can, cuz im still pissed.. my father is elderly, needs me to drive him to meetings.
it takes 30 minutes to drive there, so i stay for the meeting, i dress in slacks and a nice shirt respect for pops.
going back home , would be pissing in the wind.....i would just have to turn around 20 minutes after getting there.. well elders asked me to the back room, and said im doing a good job taking care of my father, and that it looks like im well on my way to getting reinstated
so a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
Finkelstein said,
Umm .... lack of shepherding is unlikely but disorganization could have been apparent, based probably from the age of these men.
My own father was appointed a MS not too long ago and he's 81 years old and suffering from slight dementia.
Goes to show that the WTS organization will exploit people indiscriminately when needed.
I would think the WTS is discriminating in the appointments, being as half the GB is suffering from slight dementia. Oops! Sorry! ... suffering from advanced dementia.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
the scene is the kitchen table where we find calebs dad and mom in conversation.
dad - a letter?
mom so we are going to write a letter to everyone we know and ask them to give us some of their money, so that we have as much money coming in as is going out.
The scene is the kitchen table where we find Caleb’s Dad and Mom in conversation. They are deeply disturbed over a problem they are facing.
Dad – So you see dear, we must contact all of our friends, neighbors and relatives and explain the situation to them.
Mom – Yes, yes. I see what you mean but we must do it so that our message has the greatest impact. I think we should write them all a letter.
Dad - A letter? Yes, ‘a letter’. We can explain in detail just the trouble we are in. But there are so many we want to contact. There is Uncle Alphonso and Aunti Lucille, Cousin Beatrice, Cousin Alfredo, the Torres twins, Fred and Ethel, Bill and Lil Anderson, and their brother Fred, …
Mom - …and Myrtle and Mabel and Marge and Mildred and don’t forget Maggie…
Dad - … and Joe and, and…
Mom - … don’t forget all our return visits and everyone that stops to take a brochure at my witnessing cart, and…
Dad - …It will take forever to write all those letters.
Mom – Not necessarily so. We will just change the name on the heading. Everything else will be the same. We don’t even need to put a name on most of them. That way we can give the letter to everyone, just everyone.
[Caleb walks into the kitchen to get a glass of milk. He sits at the table and listens to his parents talking about this great work they must do.]
Dad – That’s it. We will ask everyone. We will ask everyone for some of their money, for them to give us some of their money.
Mom – We should start right away because our situation is so serious.
Caleb – What’s wrong Mom? What’s wrong Dad? What is so serious?
Dad – Caleb my son, we have some very important news to tell you, some very bad news.
Caleb – Did someone die?
Dad – No, no my son. Something worse than that. Caleb, my son, we just found out that, well your Mom and me looked at our bank account and we found out that, that,…. we found out that there is more money going out than coming in to our bank account.
Caleb – Hunh?
Dad – Yes my son. It is just horrible. It all started last month and it is getting worse everyday. More money is going out than is coming in, at this time. My dear, dear son, we thought you should be made aware of this bad news.
Caleb - You say it all started last month?
Mom – Yes Caleb, last month.
Caleb – Isn’t last month when you started building the garage beside the house?
Dad – Yes, that is when it started and so much more money is going out than coming in now, because of this garage.
Caleb - You mean to say that you actually think that when you start spending on a building project, and a large amount of expenditures are incurred, that you actually think that the same amount should be coming in?
Mom – So we are going to write a letter to everyone we know and ask them to give us some of their money, so that we have as much money coming in as is going out.
Dad – Yes, yes, and we will start with Uncle Alphonso and Aunti Lucille..
Mom – …Let’s address the letter to Dear Uncle Alphonso and Dear Aunti Lucille…
Dad – Yes, yes DEAR Uncle Alphonso, DEAR Aunti Lucille..
Caleb – Why start now?
Dad – What do you mean my son?
Caleb – Well, you never called them Dear Uncle or Dear Aunt before. Why start now? Dad and Mom let me explain something to you. When you plan a large outlay of money, you have to prepare well in advance. You have to prepare and follow a budget for all the expenses. You have to save over a long period of time. Only then are you able to proceed with a project because large amounts of funds will have to be forwarded to suppliers and contractors. That’s how projects get done. That’s how it works in the real world. You have to do the math before you start anything like that.
Dad – Hunh? Are you sure? I think it would be easier to just ask everyone for some money. They will understand.
Caleb - No, I don’t think they will. However I am starting to understand something that I suspected for quite a while.
Dad – What is that my son?
Mom – What do you understand Caleb?
Caleb – Well I finally understand that you two are a couple of complete idiots.i commented on this on another thread- but i believe this has enough importance to create a thread about this situation in and of itself.
at the current district convention as you know the wt society released a " sophie & caleb " video allegedly warning parents about the dangers of child abuse.
they don't really use the words " child abuse " in the video - but just say if " someone tries to touch you in a manner you aren't comfortable with " and portray it as a cartoon !
WHY don't they show this? WHY they show this "tasmanian devil" instead of a real person, known by the child, maybe called "uncle" by the child?
or maybe called ' Brother Elder'.
what would be jw's reaction if the governing body, in all seriousness, announced a new jw pride day to be celebrated in the congregation every year?.
What would be JW's reaction if the governing body, in all seriousness, announced a new JW Pride Day to be celebrated in the congregation every year?
i wasn't entirely serious on older posts that our whole universe could technically be a computer simulation and this next thing isn't claiming that but it seems to nudge it closer to that possibility.
as taken from here
"the idea isn't that the universe is some sort of fake simulation out of the matrix, but rather that even though we appear to live in a three-dimensional universe, it might only have two dimensions.
CoH said , "Bollocks"
I don't know what bollocks means, but if it means idiocy then I say,
' Bollocks '
my wife and i are planning on taking a year off and taking a jeep and a camper through all the 48 contiguous states and alaska and some of canada.. living in florida, i have always had guns and a concealed carry permit.
but researching for our upcoming retirement vacation, it seems to me that i might not be able to legally carry firearms on my upcoming expedition.. it seems every state has different laws and licenses.
what does a camper from florida do when he goes to new york or california?
cantleave 7 hours ago
Why would you want to bring a hand gun into Canada? It's not a nation of gun loving idiots like the USA.
stephen lett may 2015 broadcast.
14:45 ... the governing body very much feels the urgency of accomplishing as much as we possibly can, in behalf of kingdom interests, knowing that the great day of jehovah is near....
... in an effort to inform you of the support that is needed for this great work, i have the following information to share.
Stephen Lett May 2015 broadcast
14:45 “… the Governing Body very much feels the urgency of accomplishing as much as we possibly can, in behalf of Kingdom interests, knowing that the great day of Jehovah is near…”
“… in an effort to inform you of the support that is needed for this great work, I have the following information to share. We have looked forward to this next fiscal year and projected expenditures for all the theocratic initiatives we are scheduling. In doing the math, we found that the amount of money flowing out will be much greater than the amount of money that we have coming in, at this time. Well, why is that?
'...Well, it's because we never did the math. We saw all this money going out and really couldn't figure out what the sam hill was going on, what with so much less money coming in. Then someone said, I forget just exactly who, but someone said, we should 'do the math.' So the Governing Body put out a request for a spiritual man, a man who was a fine example in the congregation, a man who took the lead in his family in showing obedience to the organization, oh and a man who had a calculator. So, after much prayer the Governing Body assigned this man to use his calculator to push all those confusing buttons and 'do the math.' Do you know what he figured out? He figured out that much more money was going out than coming in. And we wanted you dear brothers and sisters to be aware of this...'